Henk is a knowledge broker and research manager in the AMS Research & Innovation team. Henk is currently heavily involved in the Amsterdam Bridges and Quay Wall program. He initiates research projects and larger programs that may introduce innovations in asset management in monitoring and assessment, sustainable renovation and future proof, and multifunctional renewal. Besides, he is involved in AMS Climate Resilient City projects on urban trees and water-soil-green interactions.
In the early years of AMS Institute, Henk was responsible for the AMS Vital City research theme, which addressed the issues of urban climate resilience, metropolitan food systems and healthy urban living. In that role, he connected AMS Institute to the Flevo Campus, which focuses on regionally oriented urban food systems.
Henk has been working at Wageningen Environmental Research throughout his whole career. He relies on experiences in the various roles he had there, as a researcher in Geomorphology, leader of the Landscape Systems research team, executive secretary of the Environmental Sciences Group board of directors, coordinator of the System Earth Management research program, and initiator of the Wageningen City Agenda.
Henk was a member of several national peer and governmental advisory commissions. Recent activities involved providing advice for the European Green Capital Award and the European Science for Environment Policy News Alert.
Henk holds a Masters’ degree in Physical Geography from the University of Amsterdam and a PhD from Utrecht University. His PhD was on river rehabilitation and geomorphological change.
“The biggest reward a knowledge broker can get is to see scientists and policy makers working together in programs and find out this benefits both.”
Henk Wolfert
Program Developer