Leendert Verhoef is tasked to develop the Marineterrain as a Living Lab. He supports the Research & Valorization and Educational activities to implement co-creation and real-life experimentation. This in turn contributes to development, validation and dissemination of the Living Lab approach in Urban Challenges. Leendert is partner and owner of the consultancy New-Energy-Works and serves in the advisory boards of the German Network of Sustainable universities (HOCH-N) and the International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN).
In the course of his career, he developed multi-disciplinary system integration and circular economy programs and living labs frameworks, integrating mobility, sustainable energy, buildings and other sustainability issues. He worked with companies, governments and municipalities on national and international projects, gave seminars and trainings and published scientifically (H-index 13) and in books such as “SunCities, Reflections, New Energy for Growing Communities” (2009) and “Our Car as Power Plant” (2014).
For the last few years he worked as Sustainable Innovation Program Developer at the Green Office at TU Delft and helped with making the campus energy neutral and sustainable. He initiated a framework for Campuses as Living Labs together with MIT and other universities world-wide.
Leendert is motivated to bridge the gap between science and society and seeks to implement solutions while taking a trans-disciplinary and transformative approach. Amsterdam is for him a perfect place to make an impact and contribute to solving many urgent global challenges, because it features many cultures, progressive and conservative views, rich history and typical urban delta location.
“Co-creating and testing innovations in the real world is the fastest way to a sustainable future.”
Leendert Verhoef
Former Urban Living Lab Program Developer at AMS Institute