If you need help producing a knowledge clip for your research at the AMS Institute, send Yaser an email, and he will assist you. He can help with recording, editing, and offering advice on the video's content and online broadcasting.

Yaser is currently working on MOOCs and knowledge clips with various AMS Institute researchers. He is also involved in projects with the AMS Academy, AMS Research, and AMS Startup Booster. The AMS Institute generates a wealth of knowledge, and sharing this knowledge beyond the institute is a key goal. This is why publishing in various formats is important to the AMS communication team.

Yaser enjoys video editing and production, ensuring a good representation of the AMS Institute’s work. He will guide you through the right takes, advise on setting your scenes, and help you emphasize the importance of your research.

Yaser loves solving problems and learning, qualities that make a great researcher. His experience in technical editing and his background as an architect make him a fast learner who easily navigates software. He finds the work environment in Amsterdam very friendly and it values human connections.

“Effort is never in vain”