Young Urban Engineers (YUE) is a brand new young consultancy, founded by MSc MADE students Annie Berendsen, Hanna Winters and Titus Venverloo, that focusses on multidisciplinary challenges in the urban environment. Within this environment, we aim to fulfil a connecting role between companies, students of the master Metropolitan Analysis, Design & Engineering (MSc MADE), AMS Institute and the City of Amsterdam.
Cities are becoming more complex and challenging in terms of infrastructure, food systems, climate adaptation, energy, mobility and many other subjects. Young Urban Engineers (YUE) provides a fresh perspective on these issues. We are educated to integrate different academic disciplines in order to create a unique approach towards urban challenges. At YUE we put our knowledge into practice and help our clients create no-nonsense and innovative solutions.
“By using design thinking methods, we make sure different perspectives are incorporated in designing solutions. This leads to valuable outcomes for all stakeholders involved.”
Hanna Winters

At YUE we provide opportunities for young talent to learn from practice and contribute to actual cases that focus on making cities better. We facilitate a vibrant network of young professionals that come together with ambitious stakeholders, thereby creating an active and vibrant ecosystem of (future) urban engineers.
How did it start?
Within our interdisciplinary master Metropolitan Analysis Design and Engineering, we are educated to tackle real-life urban challenges. With a group of 12 students we participated in 2019/2020 in the Urban Greenhouse Challenge organized by Wageningen University and Research (WUR). During this challenge, we had the opportunity to bring this knowledge into practice by making an integral design for urban farming.
“By linking various facets of this design, from architecture to circularity to social impact, we created a valuable integrated result. For us, this experience was an especially valuable addition to our studies and we realized that this way of working gave us a taste of the real world beyond academic boundaries.”
Annie Berendsen

This experience was something we wanted more students to be able to have. Not only for the student’s learning experience, but also for the added value of a fresh perspective for the business and policy world. This is why we started Young Urban Engineers.
“We believe that this way of connecting students and academia to the world of business and policy creates valuable outcomes for all parties involved.”
Titus Venverloo

In addition, the Young Urban Engineers acknowledge the value of talented young professionals. Therefore, we provide fair compensation for their work.
What do we offer?
We offer companies several consultancy services such as quick scans, entire project developments and out of the box, future proof tailormade ideations and concepts.
For students, we offer a relevant, resume boosting, part time job and a connection to a real-life case where they can test and develop their skills in order to prepare for a future in consultant or policy advisory practices. They receive support and guidance from fellow students, academia related to the WUR or TU Delft and researchers of AMS Institute.
Come join us in enabling meaningful urban transitions, one project at the time!
Contact us on: or reach out to us personally: