Urban nature is often underestimated in addressing climate change, indoor lifestyles, and social isolation. A growing interest in biophilia reveals that living in contact with nature brings multiple benefits to humans, society, and the environment.

We invite you to join the workshop, including an on-site biophilic experience in the leftover green field lab in Marineterrein. We will explore Amsterdam as a biophilic city by mapping its nature-based settings and applying design tools to enhance well-being, safety, and climate resilience within cities.

Who: Students, experts, and citizens passionate about nature and design.

Apply here

Keynote speakers:

Deborah Lefosse

MSCA Post-Doc Researcher, Department of Urbanism, Environmental Technology & Design, TU Delft; Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT; AMS Institute


Sitong Luo

Post-Doc Researcher, Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning, Wageningen University & Research; AMS Institute


Maryam Naghibi

Post-Doc Researcher, Department of Urbanism, Environmental Technology & Design, TU Delft
