Official Launch Responsible Sensing Lab | Event recording

Launching Responsible Sensing Lab

This lab explores how to integrate social values in the design of sensing systems in public space. It is a testbed for conducting rigorous, transparent, and replicable research on how smart technologies placed in public space can be designed in a way that makes the digital city ‘responsible’. The Responsible Sensing Lab (RSL) is a collaboration of AMS Institute and the Digital City program of the City of Amsterdam. More information here.

To celebrate the launch, we would like to invite you to join the interactive livestream of this event. In several online workshops we will talk about what responsible sensing means, and discuss what should be done to design a better, more democratic, and more responsible digital future city.

Our keynote speaker Anthony Townsend will discuss the current state of Smart Cities through a livestream from the US. Deputy Mayor Touria Meliani will close the program with the official (virtual) opening of the exhibit.

Anthony Townsend is a writer and researcher who's work lies on the intersection of urbanization and digital technology. Anthony will give a keynote called From Parasite to Symbiant: Redesigning Our Relationship With Urban Sensors.

Deputy Mayor Touria Meliani is responsible for for Arts and Culture, and Digital City, for the City of Amsterdam. Meliani will offically open the Exhibition 'Senses of Amsterdam' on display at the Studio of NEMO Science Museum.



14:50 Virtual walk-in workshop groups

15:00 WORKSHOPS [registration for the workshops is closed]
A. Designing Citizen Interactions for Urban Sensing Systems
| Kars Alfrink | TU Delft, Researcher, Designer and PhD candidate Industrial Design
| Marcel Schouwenaar | The Incredible Machine, Designer and Creative director

B. Designing Checks and Balances for Urban Surveillance
| Aafke Fraaije | VU Amsterdam, Researcher and PhD Candidate
| Surbhi Agrawal | AMS Institute & RSL, Urbanist and Research Assistant

C. Sensordata
| Anne-Maartje Douqué | City of Amsterdam, CIO Office, Advisor Personal Data
| Beryl Dreijer | City of Amsterdam, CTO Office, Privacy Officer

D. Responsible Crowd Sensing Toolkit
| Tom van Arman | CITIXL, Urban Innovator
| Paul Manwaring | CITIXL, Urban Innovator

15:50 Closing workshops

| Moderator | Desiree Hoving

From Parasite to Symbiant: Redesigning Our Relationship With Urban Sensors

| Anthony M. Townsend | Writer and Researcher

Responsible Sensing Lab

| Thijs Turel | AMS Institute, Program Manager Responsible Digitization
| Coen Bergman | City of Amsterdam, CTO, Innovation Developer Public Tech

Influence of Corona on surveillance in Amsterdam

| Beryl Dreijer | City of Amsterdam, CTO Office, Privacy Officer
| Judith Veenkamp | Waag, Head of Smart Citizens Lab
| Prof dr. Gerd Kortuem | TU Delft & AMS Institute, Professor of Internet of Things

Responsible Sensing Lab & Smart Cities

| Deputy Mayor Meliani | Responsible for Arts and Culture, and Digital City

'Senses of Amsterdam' with virtual tour

| Deputy Mayor Meliani | Responsible for Arts and Culture, and Digital City

17:30 Closing

Register here

The registration for the workshops is closed, but you can still join the plenary program at 16.00h.


Senses of Amsterdam

In 'Senses of Amsterdam' you can discover how sensors make Amsterdam a Smarter city. This interactive installation at at the Studio of NEMO Science Museum is about the sensors we use in our city. What measurements are taken and how is data collected? The installation informs about the sensors in Amsterdam and how these sensors make the city smarter. You will be challenged to think along with them, and how we can make their use more 'responsible'.

The installation is a collaboration of AMS Institute, City of Amsterdam and NEMO, and is part of the program Responsible Sensing Lab.

Please note: in line with the guidelines of the Dutch national government with regard to the corona virus, NEMO De Studio has currently closed its doors for the public. We hope to welcome you to the installation once these guidelines allow for public visits again.


Responsible Sensing Lab for Amsterdam

Responsible Urban Digitalization

Today, on European Privacy Day, Amsterdam announces that it wants to introduce a reporting requirement for sensors in th


Responsible Sensing Lab

Responsible Urban Digitalization

Our Responsible Sensing Lab explores how to integrate social values in the design of sensing systems in public space.


Can tech make scan cars more human?

Responsible Urban Digitalization

Exploring new tech, such as scan cars, helps to understand the complexity of Responsible Urban Digitization.

Want to know more or looking to collaborate?