Weekend of Science is the largest national event focused on science and technology. Various organizations open their doors, giving you access to places that are normally closed. Young and old alike can explore the fascinating world of science and technology in an interactive way.
🌟 Come by to learn how to innovate the AMS Institute way during an interactive workshop where you get to create your own prototype (hosted by Gina Gommers). Or join and experience nature like the philosophers back in the day, with a workshop on informal green spaces (with Sitong Lao).
And there’s more. The Marineterrein is open for you to explore. 4TU, a collaboration between the 4 Dutch technical universities, is hosting an interactive and inspiring program from a biodiversity app to solar boats and creating your own sustainable jeans. And how about VR workshops at AHK Culture Club and Codam, turning flax into linen with Crafts Council Nederland and much, much more.
To see the entire program visit openmarineterrein.nl and to sign up for workshops and see timings click here.