The field of Urban Data Science focusses on developing the competences and technical infrastructure required to study and address urban challenges, from a data-driven perspective. By valorizing cross-domain expertise in data science, the Urban Data Science team contributes to the AMS Solutions Portfolio, and offers AMS researchers and partners state-of-the-art technological and methodological solutions for urban data creation, integration, enrichment, analysis, and exploration.
The Urban Data Science team includes scientists and engineers with extensive expertise in machine learning, crowd computing, spatial analysis, embedded systems, and data visualization. Through a continuous interaction with urban stakeholders (municipalities and civil servants, citizens, and businesses), AMS principal investigators, and AMS partners, the Urban Data Science team designs and develops novel methods and tools that are fair, accurate, accountable, and transparent.
Examples of urban challenges addressed by the Urban Data Science team include: real-time urban analytics of human behavior; geodemographic characterization of urban areas; place analytics; regionalization of city districts and metropolitan areas; description and prediction of traffic incidents; low-energy IoT communication systems.
The AMS Urban Data Science activities are led by Dr. Ir. Alessandro Bozzon, and organized into three different focus labs: Social Urban Data Lab, Internet of Things Lab, and City Simulation Lab.