Urban Challenges: Smart Urban Mobility, Circularity in Urban Regions, & Climate Resillient Cities.
Location: Marineterrein Amsterdam

The Marineterrein Living Lab (MALL) is an experimental real-life urban setting in the core of Amsterdam where disruptive urban innovations can be tested with real users (citizens) before being replicated on the urban scale. MALL partners, companies, researchers, and governments work together in co-creating, developing and testing solutions addressing current and future metropolitan challenges.


At MALL, experimenters can find:

  • A city within the city: a terrain where experimenters can test their innovation with real citizens in a small-scale, real-world environment. They do so together with relevant stakeholders and citizens
  • Co-creation and testing with real users, potential customers, and relevant stakeholders in an iterative way following living lab methodologies and using living lab tools (scoping, developing, testing, iterating and evaluating their prototype) to increase impact.
  • An ecosystem connecting the experimenters with relevant stakeholders and initiatives.
  • Support in the process of setting up the experiment. Making sure the process runs smoothly, allowing the experimenter to focus on developing their urban innovation.
  • The possibility to showcase the relevance of the experiments to potential costumers and validate with end users. Giving visibility to the process.

Current experiments



Smart Urban Mobility

Amsterdam gets world’s first fleet of autonomous boats.


The Innovation Pavilion at Marineterrein

Circularity in Urban Regions

In the heart of Amsterdam's Marineterrein, the future of construction is being built.


Designing informal green spaces

Climate Resilient Cities

In the condensed urban area it can be a challenge to manage urban green infrastructure. This research develops design knowledge for integrating multiple ecosystem services of small and interstitial informal green spaces (IGS) in the condensed urban area.


Developing waste-based, biobased plastic

Circularity in Urban Regions


Responsible Sensing Lab

Responsible Urban Digitalization

Our Responsible Sensing Lab explores how to integrate social values in the design of sensing systems in public space.


Buurthub 2.0

Smart Urban Mobility

The Buurthub 2.0, located at Marineterrein, investigates how to address key mobility and energy challenges in cities.

Past experiments

Here you can find some of our past experiments.


Space tech for sustainable food systems

Circularity in Urban Regions

Can space technology provide circular solutions for food production in cities?


CINDERELA - living lab

Circularity in Urban Regions

In a circular society, we aim to close waste streams in order to keep valuable resources in the loop. One of these resource-rich waste streams is wastewater. CINDERELA transforms urine from wastewater into a nutrient-rich fertilizer.


Green Holistic System 2.0

Climate Resilient Cities

The Green Holistic System (GHS) is an innovative circular and nature-based system targeting sustainable water management


AquaConnect Demonstrator

Climate Resilient Cities

Amsterdam intends to prepare for future droughts periods by accessing new urban water sources for greenery functions. This project investigates the possibility of accessing water harvesting in urban sewage systems.


Shuttercams for a responsible smart city

Responsible Urban Digitalization

The Shuttercam project explores how the design of cameras in public space can contribute to a ‘responsible’ Smart City.


Spore: smart biowaste bins for the city


AMS Startup Booster alumni Spore developed smart biowaste bins to identify contamination and efficiently collect waste.


Bureau Marineterrein, City of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Smart City, Nemo


Recap StolenBike-athon


Bridging theory and practice: Urban innovation inspires at Marineterrein's Weekend van de Wetenschap

In collaboration with Marineterrein partners, AMS Institute demonstrated its unwavering dedication...


Green Market

Sun, April 21st, 12:00-17:00

On April 21st, the Voorwerf will be all about harvesting and nature. You can come for inspiration, attend workshops...