Transformation Marineterrein
Our choice for this unique location is in line with the joint ambition of the Dutch government and the City of Amsterdam to transform the Marineterrein into an innovation environment in the heart of the city. Marineterrein Amsterdam is gradually being transformed from a military site to a flexible and future-proof urban district with its own workspaces and meeting rooms, housing and recreational areas.
Signing relocation AMS Institute to Marineterrein Amsterdam – from left to right: Liesbeth Jansen (Director Bureau Marineterrein), Arjan van Timmeren (Scientific Director AMS Institute), Kenneth Heijns (Managing Director a.i. AMS Institute)
“The relocation of AMS Institute to Marineterrein will reinforce the area as an innovative environment for a range of challenges that involve learning, health, housing, mobility and water.”
Liesbeth Jansen, the Director of Bureau Marineterrein.

The companies and organizations housed at Marineterrein Amsterdam explore, design and test solutions for a wide variety of societal challenges and a sustainable living environment. Here an international community of innovators, scientists and entrepreneurs are working together to make the city and the MRA both flexible and resilient.
“In Amsterdam we learn by doing. Conducting top-level technical research and providing education in a location such as the Marineterrein shows that, together with the citizens of Amsterdam, we want to put our knowledge into practice. Marineterrein Amsterdam is an important innovation environment for the city, so it’s fantastic that the AMS Institute is set to become part of this crucial development.”
Ger Baron, Chief Technology Officer of the City of Amsterdam

Marineterrein Amsterdam, building 027W. Copyright Eva Plevier
Innovative solutions for the city of Amsterdam
Together with organizations from industry, society, government, education and the scientific community, AMS Institute aims to design technological solutions to the complex challenges that are posed by a metropolitan region like Amsterdam, for now and for the future. In various living labs spread out across the city, residents are also increasingly becoming a part of the research studies in their roles as testers, users and co-creators.
“AMS Institute is working on a smart, sustainable and livable city. As an innovative ecosystem in the heart of the city, Marineterrein offers the ideal testing ground for finding, designing and testing solutions for the city of Amsterdam as well as for other cities around the world.”
Arjan van Timmeren
AMS PI & Professor Environmental Technology & Design (TU Delft)
At AMS Institute research, education and entrepreneurship are strongly interlinked. Marineterrein will therefore not only be home to employees, researchers, project groups, partners and entrepreneurs, but it will also be a hive of new activity thanks to the growing group of students from the two-year Master’s degree program Metropolitan Analysis, Design and Engineering (MSc MADE).
Location on Marineterrein
This autumn, AMS Institute will move into building 027W, one of the two identical stilt buildings on the Marineterrein’s quayside. Buildings 027W and 027E were originally built in 1967 for the Royal Netherlands Navy’s technical training programs.