Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 was a year with unexpected surprises and challenges. In these new and dynamic times, like everyone, we had to find new ways of working, new ways to team up.

Science to re-invent cities
These times also emphasize why it’s so important for science to be an integral part of urban development and the major urban transition topics. With knowledge, education and new technologies we can make our cities resilient, sustainable and just, and help our cities to build back better.

This is exactly what AMS Institute does: through research & innovation, education and entrepreneurship we design solutions in the city, with the city and for the city and its citizens. We call this ‘re-inventing cities’.

“Distance took on a whole new meaning and the attractive high-density inner city of Amsterdam suddenly became a different place. Like everyone, we had to adapt, be flexible and creative.”

“We developed all kinds of new ways to interact, to do research, to teach, to define what really matters, for ourselves and for the city. So that we could keep doing what we are good at: re- inventing the city.”

Kenneth Heijns

Former Managing Director at AMS Institute

Our 2020 highlights
We are proud to hereby share AMS Institute’s Annual Report 2020, and are delighted to report about the many exciting highlights of the past year. It provides a very vivid presentation of how we are active and connected in the heart of the city and its urban challenges.

Social Distancing Dashboard ©TU Delft/AMS Institute

The Social Distancing Dashboard shows on a street and neighborhood level if social distance rules can be respected when moving in public space.

MSc MADE graduates © Studio Chevalier

With our second cohort of MSc MADE graduating, the city of Amsterdam gained 15 bright minds who are eager to tackle urban challenges.

AMS Institute's Makerspace © Mublio

This year we ran our first edition of the AMS Startup Booster. The program focuses on early-stage startups that want to make an impact on city life and solve metropolitan challenges.

Everything that we accomplished in 2020 would have been unimaginable if not for the vast amount of expertise, effort, and enthusiasm brought to the institute by all the people we work with. And therefore – if not yet already involved – we would like to encourage you to dive into the opportunities that AMS Institute offers to connect science with the city and truly design solutions with impact.

The full report on our 2020 activities can be downloaded here.

“Our Annual Report 2020 provides a comprehensive overview of the institute and shares a selection of our research projects, education programs, living labs, startup programs, new urban solutions and the role our partners play in all these joint activities.”

Stephan van Dijk

Director of Innovation

Our statement of account required by the Standards for Remunaration Act (in Dutch WNT), can be read here.


Annual Report 2019

With this Annual Report, we're proud to share the highlights of 2019.


Annual report 2018

We are delighted to have the opportunity to summarize and report on our 2018 key activities. We've continued to make significant progress in creating a positive impact on the life of our citizens through innovative metropolitan solutions.


Annual Report 2017

2017 was our third year of operations. Our drive is to educate talent and develop innovative metropolitan solutions for the city of Amsterdam and cities worldwide. In our annual report we summarize an overview of our 2017 activities.