Unique collection of four thought-provoking essays on the future of food in cities
Devastated landscapes, biodiversity loss, soil degradation, unhealthy diets: our food system is cracking at the seams. A cheap and efficient supply chain has grown up since the Second World War, but its downsides outweigh its benefits. Everyone involved agrees that things must change. But despite this consensus about the causes, public opinion is divided as to the solutions.
This collection of essays deals with the food issue on three scales: global (macro), regional (meso), and the everyday life of the urban consumer (micro). The authors provide thought-provoking insights into the complex problems involved, question our assumptions, and offer a nuanced but radical perspective on the future of food. With essays by Hidde Boersma, Yvonne Faber, Janno Lanjouw, Joris Lohman, Ron Methorst, Martin Scholten (WUR), Peter Smeets, Sigrid Wertheim-Heck (Aeres Hogeschool), and an introduction by Louise O. Fresco (WUR), setting the stage for the problems and issues at stake.
The first essay discusses the future prospects of young farmers in a changing food landscape and the responsibility that lies with them and other experts. This is also the central theme of Flevo Campus Live. The other three essays examine the food system at different levels: on a global scale, on a regional scale, and on an urban level. Landscape pain, loss of biodiversity, soil degradation, unhealthy food – the negative side effects of the efficient and cheap food system that was built up after the Second World War – have outweighed the benefits.
A must-read for anyone who wonders what the future of our food system may look like!
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“This collection of writings explores how consumers’ changing tastes, sensitivities and preferences can be met, and identifies the issues and challenges of the food system. These issues inspire us to keep thinking about our food chain: one that expert Dutch farmers proudly help to build, that reconciles the needs of agriculture, nature and recreation in the countryside, and that contributes to the health of all the world’s citizens.”
Louise O. Fresco (President of the Wageningen University & Research Executive Board)

The publication was initiated by, and is the result of, the collaborations within the Flevo Campus. AMS Institute is one of the founding partners of Flevo Campus.
Flevo Campus
Flevo Campus, based in Almere, shows in practice how urban food supply in smart combination with agricultural renewal leads to healthy citizens and a better living climate in cities. With this collection, Flevo Campus contributes to the discussion about change in our food system.
Flevo Campus is a partnership between Aeres Hogeschool, Amsterdam Institute for Metropolitan Solutions (AMS Institute), the municipality of Almere and the province of Flevoland. Flevo Campus shows in practice how urban food supply in smart combination with innovations in agriculture leads to healthy citizens and a better living climate in cities. To make this possible, Flevo Campus is strengthening green education by developing new bachelor’s and master’s programmes, working together with Wageningen University & Research and Delft University of Technology on a long-term research programme, organising Flevo Campus Think Tanks for young professionals, and supporting businesses in the region with knowledge vouchers, projects and research. For more information, visit www.flevocampus.nl