SFSCs could therefore contribute to the quest for feeding the world in a just and sustainable manner. This vision is why the European Commission funded the European Horizon project ‘EU4Advice’, aiming to strengthen the SFSCs across Europe. EU4Advice's objective is to integrate SFSC advisors into national advisory systems while simultaneously creating an international network of SFSC advisors and policy makers.

Alexander Laarman

Within EU4Advice, four Living Labs are established as testing grounds for the implementation and validation of SFSC advisory systems. These pilot regions serve as dynamic environments in which local food system stakeholders, including producers, advisors, and policy makers collaborate, experiment and evaluate the practicality and effectiveness of the projects materials designed to support SFSCs. The living labs facilitate real-world testing, ensuring that the project’s outcomes are tallied to the unique needs and challenges of each participating region. 

“Transparency of short food supply chains acts as a catalyst for sustainability by allowing stakeholder to establish prerequisites for regenerative practices along the food chain.”

Evi Vet

Former Living Lab Coordinator Metropolitan Food Systems at AMS Institute

Strategically positioned across Europe, the four Living Labs represent a diverse cross-section of socioeconomic, political, cultural, and legal contexts, with locations in Hungary (Eastern Europe), Ireland (Northern Europe), the Netherlands (Central Europe), and Spain (Southern Europe).

The Dutch Living Lab has an distinctive position due to the strong food and agricultural sector in the Netherlands. The Dutch Living Lab team recognizes the potential of this network of policy makers, farmers, academics and retailers, as an opportunity to find solutions for the multifaceted challenges. In close collaboration with various actors in the supply chain, this living lab investigates the opportunities of the SFSC through four tracks: 

  1. Connecting agriculture to the consumer: How do we link the needs of the consumers with the opportunities of the farms?
  2. Blended finance: How will we finance the development of SFSC?
  3. Market creation: Can we bundle markets to create economically strong system?
  4. Collaboration between SFSCs: How can the various SFSC work together and learn from each other?

The stakeholders involved in this Living Lab are committed to achieving several objectives, including securing fair prices for farmers, preserving soil quality, and ensuring access to high-quality produce for the benefit of human health.

Read more about EU4Advice: