From the kitchen table at AMS Institute we explore solutions to urban challenges. Solutions further down the road, and solutions that can be scaled-up tomorrow. Together with thinkers and doers we discuss what should be on the agenda of every mayor. We have published three episodes around the theme of Bridges & Quay Walls.

The Mayor's Manual Podcast is hosted by Kenneth Heijns, Managing Director at AMS Institute, and Sacha Stolp, Director Future-Proof Assets for the City of Amsterdam.


Future-proof historic quay walls

Climate Resilient Cities

Investigating the state of Amsterdam's historic quays and bridges to keep the city safe, accessible and ‘future-proof’.


Rapid Assessment Grimburgwal

Climate Resilient Cities

September 1, 2020, part of the quay of Grimburgwal in Amsterdam collapsed. Study shows that primary causes appear to be the different construction of the narrow quay, the locally deeper canal bed, and the weakening of masonry due to pre-existing cracks.

Episode #1 | Room for innovation - How do you create that?!

In this episode Sarah Bork and Joost Assendelft are our guests. Sarah is head of innovation at the Bridges and Quay Walls program of the Municipality of Amsterdam. Here she leads a team that is involved in innovation and development in the field of testing, extension of lifespan, monitoring & sensoring and logistics movements. Joost works as a geodata team leader at Iv-infra. Here he is working on, among other things, a new technique for monitoring assets using 3D laser scanning. Among other things, we talk about the possibilities that data-driven working offers for innovation within urban tasks. What opportunities does laser scanning offer, how do you create a “safe zone” for innovation within a regular contract and how do we get traditional companies to 'innovate'?

Listen to this episode to learn more about the inspirational power of innovations and how they can be applied in practice through collaboration between the market and government.

Find this episode on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts and Spotify.


World's first 3D printed bridge

Responsible Urban Digitalization

Today the world’s first stainless steel 3D printed bridge is placed in our city center. Equipped with a sensors, this in


Roboat ready for pilots on A'dam canals

Smart Urban Mobility

Roboat is ready for steps towards pilots and commercialization for three use cases: passenger transport, logistics (wast

Episode #2 | A Look at the Wheelhouse of a City in the Water

In this episode we speak with Tessa Hilgers and Maarten Ouboter. Tessa works as a strategic advisor on administrative matters for the Bridges and Quay Walls Program of the Municipality of Amsterdam. Among other things, creating attention for the short and long-term task plays an important role in this. Maarten is a hydrologist at waternet - a title that does not fully reflect the diversity of his work. One of his goals is cleaner water in Amsterdam and the surrounding area. He does this, among other things, by mapping the environment of the city in such a way that decisions can be quantitatively substantiated.

With Maarten and Tessa we talk about the various extensive tasks that the water city of Amsterdam has been struggling with for centuries and for which the coming years will be decisive. What can we learn from the past, how do you ensure administrative attention for an unpopular subject such as management and how do you make the right choice about diverse, complex and urgent challenges if this choice can still determine the liveability of the city in 100 years' time?

Listen to this episode to learn more about the ins and outs of a water city below sea level.

Find this episode on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts and Spotify.

Episode #3 | Vulnerability and Quay Walls - working together on a new form of collaboration.

In this episode we speak to Merijn Buist and Edwin Boonstoppel. Edwin works as director and project manager at Quadraat Projectmanagement. He is currently active, among other things, as project leader of the G-Kracht consortium, a combination of three companies that is working on an innovative way to replace quay walls within the Innovation partnerschap quay walls of the Municipality of Amsterdam. Merijn works as a technical manager at the engineering office of the municipality of Amsterdam. In this role, he has been involved in the Quay Walls Innovation Partnership since the beginning, where he is responsible, among other things, for the collaboration between G-Kracht and the Municipality of Amsterdam.

Together we discuss the conditions for successful cooperation within an extensive, intensive and above all unknown tendering procedure such as the Innovation Partnership. For example, is it important to break with more traditional processes, what is the importance of core values ​​and how does vulnerability help project teams to come closer together?

Listen to this episode to learn more about the usefulness of a truly equal relationship in a collaboration aimed at developing an innovative product.

Find this episode on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts and Spotify.


4 projects related to Amsterdams canals

Did you know the city's historic canals also serve as a ‘playground’ for several of our research projects?


Canals to cool off or warm up buildings

Urban Energy

We're looking into energy-saving measures allow for maximum impact, while conserving our built heritage.

Want to know more or looking to collaborate?