The Mobilus consortium (EIT Urban Mobility) will receive funding from the European Union via the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and will run for the next 7 years.

The aim of the bid (and thus the establishment of the EIT Urban Mobility) is to strengthen, shape and implement innovation capacity in Europe (and thus also the Netherlands and Amsterdam) in the field of urban mobility.

“The current mobility model is simply not sustainable. To change it, we need solutions to a number of key challenges – decongestion, sustainable urban growth and eco‐efficient transport.”

Maria Tsavachidis, CEO of EIT Urban Mobility

The consortium consists of more than fifty European parties: cities, research institutes and corporates. On behalf of Amsterdam, the municipality and AMS Institute are members of the consortium. The Netherlands is also represented by Helmond and Eindhoven, and organizations such as TomTom, Oracle and Achmea.

By winning, the city of Amsterdam will have access to an excellent innovation network on the topic of mobility. We will be able to participate in projects financed by the EIT Urban Mobility. These projects can include collaborations in living labs, in which a triple helix approach (science, government and business) will be used to work together on new mobility solutions.

The projects will also give a major boost to the Amsterdam startup ecosystem. Next to this the innovation program will increase access to investors and risk capital. Being part of these networks and partnerships is of great importance for Amsterdam’s position as an accessible and liveable city.

The Mobilus consortium will work on solutions that increase the quality of public space, find better ways to handle the scarcity of available space and at the same time improve accessibility for all users and residents of the city and metropolitan region. The innovation program gives us a unique opportunity to learn from joint pilots, living labs and innovation projects in the field of sustainable and smart mobility in which European cities and regional challenges are at central stage.

The full press release of 7 December 2018 can be read here. The follow up press release of 24 January 2019 can be read here.

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