A new research project has been awarded funding within the NWA Urban Bridge and Quay Wall Innovations (Urbiquay) call. In this project, a consortium of researchers, municipalities and knowledge partners will bring together the very latest scientific insights to make the asset management of bridges and quay walls future-resilient.

Infrastructure under pressure

City centres are becoming increasingly busy, and the impact on the sometimes centuries old infrastructure such as quay walls is constantly growing, for example from freight traffic. For many municipalities in the Netherlands the costs of carrying out the necessary maintenance, which can run into the billions of euros, represent a major challenge. Moreover, the measures needed in the short term come on top of the major transitions that are required in the areas of climate adaptation, circularity, energy and transport.

The Urbiquay call focuses on sustainable, innovative solutions relating to the management, repair and upgrading of the civil infrastructure. The aim is to generate knowledge that can enhance the future resilience of bridges and quay walls and which can be applied under varying conditions and in different cities. The research is being carried out by knowledge institutions in close collaboration with municipalities, companies and civil- society organisations.

Funded project

The funded project, UBQ4, is an overarching research project linked to the three research projects awarded funding in the first phase of the Urbiquay call. UBQ4 is led by dr. ir. Joanne Vinke-de Kruijf from the University of Twente.

The new project investigates the influence of innovative solutions and changing societal values on the asset management of bridges and quay walls in historic inner cities. The consortium delivers methods and guidelines for the dynamic integration of changing values in the day-to-day management of assets by municipal organisations.

Combining expertise encompassing the entire knowledge chain, the interdisciplinary research focuses on the municipalities of Amsterdam, The Hague and Zwolle. The aim of the project, besides producing scientifically sound results, is to develop and validate appropriate practical and resilient solutions for the future.

Co-applicants: University of Twente, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, TU Delft
Collaborating partners and co-funders: AMS Institute, CROW (incl. Platform BiKa), Municipality of Amsterdam, Municipality of The Hague, Municipality of Zwolle
Budget: 952.300 euro

NWA seeks connection with society

On behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW), NWO realises the research programme of the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA). The aim of the NWA is to utilise knowledge to make a positive, structural contribution to the society of tomorrow by building bridges today and working together to ensure scientific breakthroughs and societal impact.

This is realised, for example, via thematic programming in collaboration with government bodies. The aim of the thematic NWA programmes is to find answers to current societal questions. All research projects are set up in an interdisciplinary manner and involve both the entire breadth of the knowledge chain and relevant societal partners.

About Urbiquay

Urbiquay is a research programme set up by NWO and the Municipality of Amsterdam, in collaboration with the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and with cooperation from the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS Institute).


Urban Bridge and Quay Wall Innovations

Climate Resilient Cities

Urban Bridge and Quay Wall Innovations


Kick-off Urbiquay: 3 research projects

Climate Resilient Cities

On June 24th we celebrated the start of three new research projects within the Urbiquay NWA-call here at AMS Institute. Three consortia of researchers, companies, and civil society organizations will conduct research on future-proof bridges and quay walls


Recap event Multifunctional Quay Walls

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