MAKE Biobased exhebition tour - © Basile Rieu
MAKE Biobased, driven by the Open Knowledge coalition—a partnership between CODAM, AHK and AMS Institute—has been carefully crafted by Marlies Boterman (AHK), David Giron (CODAM), Mariet Sauerwein and Peter Mooij (AMS Institute) and combines the diverse expertise and perspectives of the institutes. It stands out for its unique approach to interdisciplinary education and hands-on learning. This initiative not only brings together students from different academic backgrounds but also provides access to diverse facilities, including the CNC machine from AHK and the laser cutter from AMS Institute, enriching the learning experience and fostering innovation. We’re now proud to celebrate the first cohort of students finishing the course!
During the course, students recieved hands-on experiences in designing with biobased materials and fabrication processes using such materials, such as 3D printing. Students gained a deeper understanding of design principles and digital fabrication techniques and benefited from peer learning.
“The hands-on approach and playing around with 3D-printers makes this course stand out from other courses I've had. Though I’ve had these opportunities before in my Industrial design bachelor, I think there is a difference process. Here, we were able to start printing and cutting pretty quickly and figure it out in that way, whereas in my other courses we would have to send prepared files to the cutter or printer.”
Camille, MAKE Biobased student
The first course has now finished, resulting in the installation of nine birdhouses made from biobased materials at the Marineterrein. These birdhouses serve as tangible representations of the work of the students ranging from various backgrounds, including art, technology, and science. Bringing an artistic element to the output, each birdhouse comes with an audio fragment that tells a story. Some are stories about the design, others are stories of the birds that will live in them. “The idea behind this is that a design becomes more alive if you know the story behind it,” highlights Mariet, one of the course coordinators. Are you curious to hear these stories? Click on the video's to hear the story behind each birdhouse.
“For the Eurasian Blue Tit and three other bird species, the group has created several birdhouses at the Marineterrein, improving their habitat.”
Frank, MAKE Biobased student
Uniting expertise and fostering knowledge and collaboration on the Marineterrein
The initiative of this course is part of a broader effort to foster collaboration among the Open Knowledge Coalition. Each institution involved finds its strength within this alliance, contributing to the ecosystem's maturation. It's not just a loose coalition; it's a robust collaboration where each party finds meaning and value. The success of this initiative is driven by genuine enthusiasm and a shared desire to innovate, and an example of the potential that arises when educators unite based on shared content and interests.
“Joining the MAKE Biobased Course allowed me to explore my creativity and learn about the local birds, biobased materials and design tools.”
Laura, MAKE Biobased student