For about 200 km of quays and 850 bridges in Amsterdam there's not enough known on what state they are in and what load they can still handle. Together with the City, we aim to mitigate potential unsafe conditions with appropriate technical solutions.

This November, Pakhuis de Zwijger organized a series on Quay Walls and Bridges during which this challenge will be discussed from different perspectives. Our Program Manager Research & Valorization Henk Wolfert took part in the discussion.

Curious what smart and sustainable innovations there are to tackle the mega renovation of the quays and bridges? Watch the Livecast (in Dutch):

Pakhuis de Zwijger Livecast | Quay Walls and Bridges (in Dutch)

Historically and in present time the canal system is a vital element of the Amsterdam city infrastructure. It is part of the city’s DNA and is a dominant factor in the unique atmosphere of the inner city. The canal borders Amsterdam are vertical masonry walls with timber pile foundations. Due to their age and changed conditions, many quay walls are to be considered as sub-standard, and potentially unsafe. Also recent incidents show the importance of taking immediate action on the topic.

How can the historic quay walls of Amsterdam be(come) future-proof?

Quay wall replacement in Amsterdam city centre

How can the historic quay walls of Amsterdam be(come) future-proof?

Quay wall replacement in Amsterdam city centre

Together with TU Delft, we are involved in assisting the municipality of Amsterdam in order to make steps that provide a better view of the structure and subsurface conditions of the quay walls. Aimed at tackling the urgent task to mitigate the unsafe conditions with appropriate technical solutions.

Assessing the structural and safety conditions to prioritize renovation and replacement
In short, the goal of this research project is to develop technical solutions to better our understating of the structural and shallow subsurface conditions affecting the behavior of historical quay walls. This research contributes to the safety and renovation/replacement strategy of the historic quay walls in the city of Amsterdam. To learn more what the current focus is of our Bridges and Quays project:


Future-proof historic quay walls

Climate Resilient Cities

Investigating the state of Amsterdam's historic quays and bridges to keep the city safe, accessible and ‘future-proof’.


Climate Adaptation Strategy Amsterdam

Climate Resilient Cities

Heavier rainfall and storms, higher temperatures, rising sea levels, drought and other climate change consequences all present challenges to the quality of city life. To create a healthy and livable city, Amsterdam launched a Climate Adaptation Strategy.

Want to know more or looking to collaborate?