This agreement has been reached in response to the Government of Maharashtra’s wish to assign experts from the City of Amsterdam and from strategic partners to advise on an integrated waste management strategy in two areas of the state of Maharashtra.
A team of experts from AMS Institute, Waternet, AWECT, a spin-off of the operator of the waste incineration plant AEB Amsterdam, and from the waste management and urban planning divisions of the City of Amsterdam will work together on this project. They will assess the current situation in terms of residual waste in order to find a fitting solution.
During the signature, Mr. D. K. Jain, Chief Secretary, Government of Maharahstra, kept stressing on the point that so far, no waste-to-energy plant has been successful in India, and with feasibility study and report from AMS Institute and partners, Maharashtra is looking for a system most sustainable for India. Their goal is to see a running waste-to-energy plant in Maharashtra.
“We are all very much looking forward to implementing the integrated approach of Amsterdam for waste management in Maharashtra. With the experts from Amsterdam and Maharashtra we have the best team available that we could hope for to make the transition possible from land-filling to clean waste management and from waste to energy!”
Evert Lichtenbelt, CEO of AWECT

Alderman Udo Kock handed over the contract earlier this month, on behalf of AMS Institute and partners.