Under Construction is a group of five MSc MADE students dedicated to enhancing public spaces' livability, even during their redevelopment periods. Their mission is to transform construction fences into engaging and themed experiences, adding value to the surrounding community. Focusing on education, nature, and culture, Under Construction aims to create informative prints, greenery installations, and artistic elements contributing to a vibrant environment.
Prototype placement and experiment setup
Although the project is still in its infancy, tests are being run to see how it will play out in real life by placing a self-made prototype on fences surrounding the construction of the Innovation Pavilion at the Marineterrein. This experiment is being done in collaboration with Boom Builds, who are responsible for the placement of the pavilion.
The experiment consists of four panels that will be attached on the fences surrounding the construction of the Innovation Pavilion. Those four panels will incorporate plants, an informative poster about the pavilion, including a scannable QR code that directs the scanner to a survey, and a list of questions to which people can respond by writing on chalkboard elements of the panels.
If the experiment succeeds, the team will look into upscaling it with professional and user-appropriate design, using durable and sustainable materials, developing a quick production and reproduction process, and developing a seamless delivery system.
“We consider our solution to be innovative in the way it is delivered, how it allows interaction and is tailored to the location and its users’ needs. Now we have the opportunity to test these assumptions.”
Marta Nosowicz

Potential future directions and upscaling plans
The primary objective of installing the prototype on the fence surrounding the Innovation Pavilion's construction site is to observe passersby's interaction with different elements of their design and gain initial insights into the practical application of their solution. The panels can be easily attached to existing construction fence infrastructure and increase the livability of the surrounding area.
The experiment also addresses the concept of climate-resilient cities by incorporating greenery and biodiversity. As the project progresses, it is intended to incorporate circularity principles through the use of appropriate materials.
Building the wooden panels at AMS Institutes Makerspace