Given this fact, the municipality of Amsterdam has earmarked the Buiksloterham district as a Living Lab for the circular city. On 5 March 2015, the parties involved* signed the ‘Circular Buiksloterham’ manifesto.
“It is speeding up the transition from ‘possession’ to ‘use’ and from ‘sole possession’ to ‘sharing’. What’s also important for me is for this academic exercise to ultimately benefit everyone in Amsterdam.”
Former Amsterdam Alderman Choho

Buiksloterham Living Lab – learning by doing
The radical transition from a linear city to a circular city involves a wide range of issues and possible obstructions: regulatory questions, the availability of technology and new revenue models. The past few years, four major research institutes (TNO, Wageningen UR, Deltares and ECN) have been working together in the Buiksloterham Living Lab, along with the business community and local residents, in order to develop innovative solutions in these areas.
Knowledge Springboard for other Circular Cities
AMS Institute promotes knowledge development about the Circular City, through the Adaptive Circular Cities project, amongst others. For example: how CO2 emissions can be reduced through the introduction of better regulations for new-build home; saving drinking water; smart waste collection technology or the recycling of (building) materials; a rain-resistant district. These are all ambitions for Circular Buiksloterham and, as such, subjects on which the Adaptive Circular Cities project is developing knowledge. This is all knowledge from which the municipality of Amsterdam, its residents and users of Amsterdam will benefit and that will be possible to apply to other cities too in the future.
* On 5 March 2015, the manifesto was signed by: Waternet, Alliander Duurzame Gebiedsontwikkeling, De Alliantie, Eigen Haard, Metabolic, DELVA Landscape Architects, Studioninedots, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS Institute), Stichting Schoonschip, Vereniging de Ceuvel, BeleefBuiksloterham, Afval Energie Bedrijf Amsterdam, Amsterdam Economic Board, Westpoort Warmte, Zelfbouwers Buiksloterham, Waterschap Amstel, Gooi en Vecht, Pakhuis de Zwijger, the municipality of Amsterdam, NUON and New Energy Docks.