Smart Urban Mobility plays an important role in future urban developments to keep the city of Amsterdam livable and accessible. Over the past few years there has been a shift in the field of mobility, moving away from building new infrastructure, to optimizing the performance of existing infrastructure. With the increased availability of mobility data, real-time traffic data and the full-scale adoption of digital technologies, cities are increasingly experimenting with digital mobility management tools, to improve the city’s mobility, enhance mobility flows and repurpose the public space.

Research on transport preferences shows that the citizens of Amsterdam don’t necessarily feel the need to own a vehicle. They find it more important to get from A to B in a fast, easy, and efficient way. This calls for innovative mobility solutions that stimulate cities and citizens to explore alternatives to (private) car usage. Mobility hubs are one of the potential solutions. Shared mobility hubs are central points in the transport network that seamlessly integrate different options of transportation to maximize first to last miles connectivity. These hubs should offer a better and more sustainable alternative to stimulate citizens to convert from private car owners to shared mobility users. In the long term, this transition to shared mobility is expected to significantly reduce emissions as citizens own fewer cars. The added benefit is that it will free up scarce urban space for other functions and usage.



Smart Urban Mobility

Rapid urbanization has increased the pressure on metropolitan areas. A new approach to urban mobility is needed. SmartHubs is an EIT Urban Mobility project working on increasing the implementation & use of shared mobility hubs in metropolitan areas.


Code the Streets

Smart Urban Mobility

Code the Street is working on smart solutions for sustainable, inclusive and safe mobility management.

AMS Institute at Urbanism Next Europe

At the recent Urbanism Next Europe conference, the AMS Institute’s Smart Urban Mobility (SUM) team played a key role in shaping discussions around the future of public space.

AMS Institute works on the theme of Smart Urban Mobility and focuses on accelerating the transition by focusing on the following topics:

  • Transition from 50 to 30km/h: Focus on creating a safer and more liveable city by reducing speeds. We will be measuring the impact of the 50 to 30 km/h change that will take place in 2023.
  • ‘Low Car City’: Research how we can make the transition towards a Low Car Amsterdam. We investigate how we can activate the city and its citizens for this change and explore the potential alternatives to (private) car usage.
  • Hubs and Shared mobility: Focus on supporting the transition towards shared and clean mobility and integrate these into the existing mobility network.
  • IM/Digital Mobility: Experiment with digital mobility management tools to improve city mobility and enhance mobility flows.
  • Urban transport over Water: Explore the role and use of water infrastructure as an additional mode of transportation to relieve the pressure on the cities road network.

Celebrating the 5-year anniversary of AMS Institute, we are launching a series of long-reads. In attempt to untangle the urban challenges, celebrate successes, collaborations, steps forward, solutions we worked on and the impact we've created over the past 5 years - together with our partners. Read our long read on Smart Urban Mobility here or get a quick overview from this infographic:

AMS Institute

The number of people visiting, living and working in Amsterdam continues to rise and big events such as EURO2020 and SAIL2020 will have a significant impact on the city.

AMS Institute

With our Smart Urban Mobility projects, among others exploring the implementation of autonomous vehicles like Roboat and Olli or the impact of the Noord-Zuid lijn, we aim to keep the city liveable and accessible.

Want to know more or looking to collaborate?






on this theme


Call for proposals DRO

Smart Urban Mobility

AMS Institute is part of the Groeifonds program DRO (Digitale Regie Openbare ruimte, or Digital Orchestration of the use of Public Space). Within this consortium we will be supporting 20 Proof of Concepts and we are looking for ideas!


How do locals feel about low-car policy?

Smart Urban Mobility

As Amsterdam pursues a low-car future, this Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and AMS Institute research investigates what 400 Amsterdammers really think about different low-car urban interventions.



Smart Urban Mobility

DRO-DMI explores, develops, and tests digital, data-based solutions to better manage the use of public space.



Smart Urban Mobility

DRO-DMI explores, develops, and tests digital, data-based solutions to better manage the use of public space.


MetaCCAZE: new EU project on smart zero emission urban mobility

Smart Urban Mobility

The start of the year 2024 marks the unveiling of the new and innovative European project metaCCAZE which focuses on user-centric, electric, automated and connected mobility and infrastructure in European cities.


Buurthub 2.0

Smart Urban Mobility

The Buurthub 2.0, located at Marineterrein, investigates how to address key mobility and energy challenges in cities.


Tracking Stolen Bikes

Smart Urban Mobility

80.000 bikes get stolen each year, just in Amsterdam. This outcome made our researchers curious... Where do these bikes go? How do they move? That's when they came up with the idea to place 100 locked GPS-traceable bikes in Amsterdam.


Tracking Stolen Bikes

Smart Urban Mobility

80.000 bikes get stolen each year, just in Amsterdam. This outcome made our researchers curious... Where do these bikes go? How do they move? That's when they came up with the idea to place 100 locked GPS-traceable bikes in Amsterdam.


SmartHubs: Insights and Tools for Future Urban Mobility

Smart Urban Mobility

After two years of extensive research, the first results of the SmartHubs project are available, a collaborative effort between AMS Institute and 18 partners.



Smart Urban Mobility

Ai-aided deCision tool for seamless mUltiModal nEtwork and traffic managemeNt



Smart Urban Mobility

Ai-aided deCision tool for seamless mUltiModal nEtwork and traffic managemeNt



Smart Urban Mobility

Distributed Intelligence and Technology for Traffic and Mobility Management



Smart Urban Mobility


SUM Blog #2: Extended Reality

Smart Urban Mobility

Blogpost by Petar Koljensic, Maike Simmes & Tom Kuipers


SUM Blog #2: Extended Reality

Smart Urban Mobility

Blogpost by Petar Koljensic, Maike Simmes & Tom Kuipers


Blog #5: Towards a Car-Independent City - The Role of Attitudes

Smart Urban Mobility

Blog by Jaime Soza-Parra, Petar Koljensic, Tom Kuipers


Blog #3: Reducing the Speed Limit

Smart Urban Mobility

Blogpost by Kai Röth, Petar Koljensic, & Tom Kuipers


Social Distancing Dashboard

Smart Urban Mobility

As countries take their first tentative steps towards loosening COVID-19 lockdown, society faces the difficult task of maintaining social distancing rules in practice.


Social Distancing Dashboard

Smart Urban Mobility

As countries take their first tentative steps towards loosening COVID-19 lockdown, society faces the difficult task of maintaining social distancing rules in practice.


Uncovering the Routes of Stolen Bikes

Smart Urban Mobility

With an estimated 80,000 bikes stolen in Amsterdam each year, AMS Institute, TU Delft, and MIT, in partnership with the Municipality of Amsterdam, have placed 100 locked GPS-traceable bikes in Amsterdam to track and analyze the patterns of stolen bikes.


Swugo: From regular bike to e-bike

Smart Urban Mobility

How to reduce pollution in cities and make electric mobility more affordable? With swugo’s swappable smart batteries, ev


Swugo: From regular bike to e-bike

Smart Urban Mobility

How to reduce pollution in cities and make electric mobility more affordable? With swugo’s swappable smart batteries, ev


Place AI: Park Design and Management


Worldwide, park design and management in large metropolitan areas are based on a limited understanding of...


SUM Blog #04: Dynamic Urban Solutions - Geofencing for Future Mobility Management

Smart Urban Mobility

Blogpost by Marco Rinaldi, Tom Kuipers, Petar Koljensic


SUM Blog 01: An introduction

Smart Urban Mobility


SUM Blog 01: An introduction

Smart Urban Mobility



Smart Urban Mobility

Amsterdam gets world’s first fleet of autonomous boats.


Human interactions autonomous vehicles

Smart Urban Mobility

How do autonomous vehicles and humans interact? We investigate this in a 3D Virtual Reality environment of MALL.


Code the Streets

Smart Urban Mobility

Code the Street is working on smart solutions for sustainable, inclusive and safe mobility management.


Code the Streets

Smart Urban Mobility

Code the Street is working on smart solutions for sustainable, inclusive and safe mobility management.


Visualization impact Noord/Zuidlijn

Smart Urban Mobility

Since July 2018, the Noord/Zuidlijn has been running beneath the streets of Amsterdam. This also marked the beginning of the four-year study by amongst others the TU Delft and AMS Institute, of which the results are now summarized in a visualization.


Roboat ready for pilots on A'dam canals

Smart Urban Mobility

Roboat is ready for steps towards pilots and commercialization for three use cases: passenger transport, logistics (wast


Roboat ready for pilots on A'dam canals

Smart Urban Mobility

Roboat is ready for steps towards pilots and commercialization for three use cases: passenger transport, logistics (wast



Smart Urban Mobility

Rapid urbanization has increased the pressure on metropolitan areas. A new approach to urban mobility is needed. SmartHubs is an EIT Urban Mobility project working on increasing the implementation & use of shared mobility hubs in metropolitan areas.


Roboat | Autonomy in the city

Smart Urban Mobility

En route, Roboat avoids obstacles and makes directional decisions on its own. Let’s dive into the elements for autonomy.


Interview with the designers of Roboat

Smart Urban Mobility

An interview with Roboat Design Engineer: Pietro Leoni.


Interview with the designers of Roboat

Smart Urban Mobility

An interview with Roboat Design Engineer: Pietro Leoni.



Smart Urban Mobility

Travelers use personalized and self-organized public transport solutions while services and systems continue to rapidly change. Research is underway to foresee future demand-driven transportation and improve inevitable change for all parties.



Smart Urban Mobility

My-TRAC – “My Travel Companion” researches and develops a user-centric services platform designed for users as well as public and private transport operators.


A new phase in the Roboat project

Smart Urban Mobility

A new milestone in the Roboat project.


A new phase in the Roboat project

Smart Urban Mobility

A new milestone in the Roboat project.



Smart Urban Mobility

Amsterdam, Milan and Barcelona to launch a Crowd Management Decision-Support System to improve the safety and comfort of


Crowd management startup: City Analytics

Smart Urban Mobility

City Analytics: a start-up for efficient crowd management to improve safety founded by TU Delft researchers and MSc MADE


Crowd management startup: City Analytics

Smart Urban Mobility

City Analytics: a start-up for efficient crowd management to improve safety founded by TU Delft researchers and MSc MADE


Roboat introduces full-scale boat

Smart Urban Mobility

What if autonomous boats could relieve Amsterdam's city center of heavy traffic over its vulnerable quays and bridges while making the canals a testbed for innovation?


Recap | UN Studio Webinar 'Future of Mobility'

Smart Urban Mobility

Did you miss UNStudio's ‘Mobility Hubs and Future Cities’ webinar with AMS Institute's Director of Innovation Stephan van Dijk? The registration of the 'Cable Cars, Rail Stations and Hyperloop Hubs' is now available.


The Spatial & Transport Impacts of Automated Driving (STAD)

Smart Urban Mobility

Options for transportation in Amsterdam are rapidly changing. The sharing economy is booming, public transport solutions are upgraded and expanded as with the Noord Zuidlijn and even traditional biking is innovated with electricity powered solutions.


The Spatial & Transport Impacts of Automated Driving (STAD)

Smart Urban Mobility

Options for transportation in Amsterdam are rapidly changing. The sharing economy is booming, public transport solutions are upgraded and expanded as with the Noord Zuidlijn and even traditional biking is innovated with electricity powered solutions.


COVID-19 measures and traffic intensity

Smart Urban Mobility

A visualization of traffic intensity before, during and after intelligent lockdown measures in the Netherlands.


Introducing the concept of Waste Streams

Smart Urban Mobility

Researchers at MIT and AMS Institute have developed an alternative strategy for garbage collection in the historic center of Amsterdam: the concept of Waste Streams, which is part of the Roboat project.


Logistics and e-commerce via waterways?

Smart Urban Mobility

What role can waterway networks play in the optimization of city flows? Let’s explore new distribution solutions.


Logistics and e-commerce via waterways?

Smart Urban Mobility

What role can waterway networks play in the optimization of city flows? Let’s explore new distribution solutions.


The quest for mobility solutions

Smart Urban Mobility

We don’t need to look that far in the future to see the mobility challenges of Amsterdam. The number of people visiting, living and working in Amsterdam continues to rise and big events such as EURO2020 and SAIL2020 will have a significant impact.


How do new services impact mobility?

Smart Urban Mobility

How do new mobility services, like Uber and ViaVan, impact conventional public transport? The CriticalMaaS project will


How do new services impact mobility?

Smart Urban Mobility

How do new mobility services, like Uber and ViaVan, impact conventional public transport? The CriticalMaaS project will



Smart Urban Mobility

The shared economy can revolutionize urban mobility by blurring the traditional division between private and public transport, shifting from traditional ownership models, towards more flexible on-demand services: Mobility as a Service (MaaS).


Meaningful Human Control

Smart Urban Mobility

What does the self-driving car mean for human responsibility? The ''Meaningful Human Control'' project promotes innovation in self-driving cars in a responsible way.



Smart Urban Mobility

Understanding the behavior of pedestrians and cyclists is a major challenge in traffic and transportation theory. Over 5 years, the ALLEGRO project investigates different behavioral levels, including walking, cycling, travel, scheduling and learning.



Smart Urban Mobility

Understanding the behavior of pedestrians and cyclists is a major challenge in traffic and transportation theory. Over 5 years, the ALLEGRO project investigates different behavioral levels, including walking, cycling, travel, scheduling and learning.


Start of UMO

Smart Urban Mobility

The Urban Mobility Observatory (UMO) project has been awarded a grant from NWO, aimed at the construction of large scientific support facilities. UMO will spend years collecting extensive data on mobility in cities in the Netherlands.


Roboat Year 3 results

Smart Urban Mobility

In its third year of research the Roboat research team has improved technical and functional capabilities.


Wrap-up AMS Summer School


During the AMS Summer School, 40 participants - from 22 different nationalities - explored the interdisciplinary approaches towards a sustainable integration of smart urban mobility solutions and the new urban development area Haven-Stad in Amsterdam.


Wrap-up AMS Summer School


During the AMS Summer School, 40 participants - from 22 different nationalities - explored the interdisciplinary approaches towards a sustainable integration of smart urban mobility solutions and the new urban development area Haven-Stad in Amsterdam.


Virtual Reality: Bridging the gap

Smart Urban Mobility

In a workshop about Virtual Reality (VR) researchers from MIT showed how this strong tool can provide new ways to create insights for research projects. MSc MADE students were shown how they can use VR to develop use cases, with Roboat as topic at hand.


roundAround: an autonomous 'bridge'

Smart Urban Mobility

Keeping the center of Amsterdam connected to other areas that are rapidly (re)developing can be a challenge. Could a fleet of autonomous boats bridge the waterway between Marineterrein Amsterdam and the Amsterdam City Center?


roundAround: an autonomous 'bridge'

Smart Urban Mobility

Keeping the center of Amsterdam connected to other areas that are rapidly (re)developing can be a challenge. Could a fleet of autonomous boats bridge the waterway between Marineterrein Amsterdam and the Amsterdam City Center?



Smart Urban Mobility

This dedicated website gives you a one stop overview of the project’s technical details, use cases, data visualizations, videos, research publications, news and events.


Roboat ahoy!

Smart Urban Mobility

To wrap up Roboat’s second year of research – the research program on autonomous vessels that helps solving urban challenges of the city of Amsterdam – the first autonomous Roboat prototypes were demonstrated at Marineterrein Amsterdam on October 5th.


Roboat Update

Smart Urban Mobility

The Roboat research project is entering its next phase of development. This five-year project is a collaboration between AMS Institute and MIT and is the world first major research program on autonomous floating vessels in metropolitan areas.


Roboat Update

Smart Urban Mobility

The Roboat research project is entering its next phase of development. This five-year project is a collaboration between AMS Institute and MIT and is the world first major research program on autonomous floating vessels in metropolitan areas.


Stations as Nodes book published

Smart Urban Mobility

Stations as Nodes, an exploration of the role of stations in future metropolitan areas from a French and Dutch perspective has been published.


Stations of the Future

Smart Urban Mobility

In collaboration with Delft University of Technology and University of Paris-Est, AMS Institute is developing a new research project on the future of stations within metropolitan areas.


AMS Mid-City scale models on display

Smart Urban Mobility

Group models of the graduate students of Complex Projects (TU Delft) representing scaled down areas of Amsterdam are currently being displayed in our office.


AMS Mid-City scale models on display

Smart Urban Mobility

Group models of the graduate students of Complex Projects (TU Delft) representing scaled down areas of Amsterdam are currently being displayed in our office.


Stations of the Future - first steps

Smart Urban Mobility

The "Stations of the future" project is being framed within the context of two rapidly growing developing metropolitan areas in The Netherlands and in France: the Randstad and Métropole du Grand Paris.



Smart Urban Mobility

The Noord Zuid metro line as a large infrastructure project has the potential to add value to the city and change the way it works. What is its impact on accessibility, development in the area, economy and public space for the city and urban area?



Smart Urban Mobility

The Noord Zuid metro line as a large infrastructure project has the potential to add value to the city and change the way it works. What is its impact on accessibility, development in the area, economy and public space for the city and urban area?


New EU program Urban Mobility

Smart Urban Mobility

The municipality of Amsterdam and AMS Institute are part of the winning consortium Mobilus (Mobility for Liveable Urban Spaces) that will be developing a European innovation program on the topic of urban mobility.


Wrap up Stations of the Future

Smart Urban Mobility

In March 2018, AMS Institute co-organized a successful workshop on Stations of the Future, together with the Embassy of the Netherlands in Paris, Atelier Néerlandais, TU Delft (DIMI) and La Fabrique de la Cité.


Call for proposals DRO

Smart Urban Mobility

AMS Institute is part of the Groeifonds program DRO (Digitale Regie Openbare ruimte, or Digital Orchestration of the use of Public Space). Within this consortium we will be supporting 20 Proof of Concepts and we are looking for ideas!


Call for proposals DRO

Smart Urban Mobility

AMS Institute is part of the Groeifonds program DRO (Digitale Regie Openbare ruimte, or Digital Orchestration of the use of Public Space). Within this consortium we will be supporting 20 Proof of Concepts and we are looking for ideas!


How do locals feel about low-car policy?

Smart Urban Mobility

As Amsterdam pursues a low-car future, this Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and AMS Institute research investigates what 400 Amsterdammers really think about different low-car urban interventions.


How do locals feel about low-car policy?

Smart Urban Mobility

As Amsterdam pursues a low-car future, this Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and AMS Institute research investigates what 400 Amsterdammers really think about different low-car urban interventions.


How do locals feel about low-car policy?

Smart Urban Mobility

As Amsterdam pursues a low-car future, this Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and AMS Institute research investigates what 400 Amsterdammers really think about different low-car urban interventions.


How do locals feel about low-car policy?

Smart Urban Mobility

As Amsterdam pursues a low-car future, this Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and AMS Institute research investigates what 400 Amsterdammers really think about different low-car urban interventions.



Smart Urban Mobility

DRO-DMI explores, develops, and tests digital, data-based solutions to better manage the use of public space.


MetaCCAZE: new EU project on smart zero emission urban mobility

Smart Urban Mobility

The start of the year 2024 marks the unveiling of the new and innovative European project metaCCAZE which focuses on user-centric, electric, automated and connected mobility and infrastructure in European cities.



Smart Urban Mobility

DRO-DMI explores, develops, and tests digital, data-based solutions to better manage the use of public space.


MetaCCAZE: new EU project on smart zero emission urban mobility

Smart Urban Mobility

The start of the year 2024 marks the unveiling of the new and innovative European project metaCCAZE which focuses on user-centric, electric, automated and connected mobility and infrastructure in European cities.


Buurthub 2.0

Smart Urban Mobility

The Buurthub 2.0, located at Marineterrein, investigates how to address key mobility and energy challenges in cities.


Buurthub 2.0

Smart Urban Mobility

The Buurthub 2.0, located at Marineterrein, investigates how to address key mobility and energy challenges in cities.


Buurthub 2.0

Smart Urban Mobility

The Buurthub 2.0, located at Marineterrein, investigates how to address key mobility and energy challenges in cities.


Buurthub 2.0

Smart Urban Mobility

The Buurthub 2.0, located at Marineterrein, investigates how to address key mobility and energy challenges in cities.


Tracking Stolen Bikes

Smart Urban Mobility

80.000 bikes get stolen each year, just in Amsterdam. This outcome made our researchers curious... Where do these bikes go? How do they move? That's when they came up with the idea to place 100 locked GPS-traceable bikes in Amsterdam.


Tracking Stolen Bikes

Smart Urban Mobility

80.000 bikes get stolen each year, just in Amsterdam. This outcome made our researchers curious... Where do these bikes go? How do they move? That's when they came up with the idea to place 100 locked GPS-traceable bikes in Amsterdam.


SmartHubs: Insights and Tools for Future Urban Mobility

Smart Urban Mobility

After two years of extensive research, the first results of the SmartHubs project are available, a collaborative effort between AMS Institute and 18 partners.


SmartHubs: Insights and Tools for Future Urban Mobility

Smart Urban Mobility

After two years of extensive research, the first results of the SmartHubs project are available, a collaborative effort between AMS Institute and 18 partners.



Smart Urban Mobility

Ai-aided deCision tool for seamless mUltiModal nEtwork and traffic managemeNt



Smart Urban Mobility

Ai-aided deCision tool for seamless mUltiModal nEtwork and traffic managemeNt



Smart Urban Mobility

Ai-aided deCision tool for seamless mUltiModal nEtwork and traffic managemeNt



Smart Urban Mobility

Ai-aided deCision tool for seamless mUltiModal nEtwork and traffic managemeNt



Smart Urban Mobility

Distributed Intelligence and Technology for Traffic and Mobility Management



Smart Urban Mobility



Smart Urban Mobility

Distributed Intelligence and Technology for Traffic and Mobility Management



Smart Urban Mobility


SUM Blog #2: Extended Reality

Smart Urban Mobility

Blogpost by Petar Koljensic, Maike Simmes & Tom Kuipers


SUM Blog #2: Extended Reality

Smart Urban Mobility

Blogpost by Petar Koljensic, Maike Simmes & Tom Kuipers


SUM Blog #2: Extended Reality

Smart Urban Mobility

Blogpost by Petar Koljensic, Maike Simmes & Tom Kuipers


SUM Blog #2: Extended Reality

Smart Urban Mobility

Blogpost by Petar Koljensic, Maike Simmes & Tom Kuipers


Blog #5: Towards a Car-Independent City - The Role of Attitudes

Smart Urban Mobility

Blog by Jaime Soza-Parra, Petar Koljensic, Tom Kuipers


Blog #5: Towards a Car-Independent City - The Role of Attitudes

Smart Urban Mobility

Blog by Jaime Soza-Parra, Petar Koljensic, Tom Kuipers


Blog #3: Reducing the Speed Limit

Smart Urban Mobility

Blogpost by Kai Röth, Petar Koljensic, & Tom Kuipers


Blog #3: Reducing the Speed Limit

Smart Urban Mobility

Blogpost by Kai Röth, Petar Koljensic, & Tom Kuipers


Social Distancing Dashboard

Smart Urban Mobility

As countries take their first tentative steps towards loosening COVID-19 lockdown, society faces the difficult task of maintaining social distancing rules in practice.


Social Distancing Dashboard

Smart Urban Mobility

As countries take their first tentative steps towards loosening COVID-19 lockdown, society faces the difficult task of maintaining social distancing rules in practice.


Social Distancing Dashboard

Smart Urban Mobility

As countries take their first tentative steps towards loosening COVID-19 lockdown, society faces the difficult task of maintaining social distancing rules in practice.


Social Distancing Dashboard

Smart Urban Mobility

As countries take their first tentative steps towards loosening COVID-19 lockdown, society faces the difficult task of maintaining social distancing rules in practice.


Uncovering the Routes of Stolen Bikes

Smart Urban Mobility

With an estimated 80,000 bikes stolen in Amsterdam each year, AMS Institute, TU Delft, and MIT, in partnership with the Municipality of Amsterdam, have placed 100 locked GPS-traceable bikes in Amsterdam to track and analyze the patterns of stolen bikes.


Swugo: From regular bike to e-bike

Smart Urban Mobility

How to reduce pollution in cities and make electric mobility more affordable? With swugo’s swappable smart batteries, ev


Uncovering the Routes of Stolen Bikes

Smart Urban Mobility

With an estimated 80,000 bikes stolen in Amsterdam each year, AMS Institute, TU Delft, and MIT, in partnership with the Municipality of Amsterdam, have placed 100 locked GPS-traceable bikes in Amsterdam to track and analyze the patterns of stolen bikes.


Swugo: From regular bike to e-bike

Smart Urban Mobility

How to reduce pollution in cities and make electric mobility more affordable? With swugo’s swappable smart batteries, ev


Place AI: Park Design and Management


Worldwide, park design and management in large metropolitan areas are based on a limited understanding of...


Place AI: Park Design and Management


Worldwide, park design and management in large metropolitan areas are based on a limited understanding of...


Place AI: Park Design and Management


Worldwide, park design and management in large metropolitan areas are based on a limited understanding of...


Place AI: Park Design and Management


Worldwide, park design and management in large metropolitan areas are based on a limited understanding of...


SUM Blog #04: Dynamic Urban Solutions - Geofencing for Future Mobility Management

Smart Urban Mobility

Blogpost by Marco Rinaldi, Tom Kuipers, Petar Koljensic


SUM Blog #04: Dynamic Urban Solutions - Geofencing for Future Mobility Management

Smart Urban Mobility

Blogpost by Marco Rinaldi, Tom Kuipers, Petar Koljensic


SUM Blog 01: An introduction

Smart Urban Mobility


SUM Blog 01: An introduction

Smart Urban Mobility



Smart Urban Mobility

Amsterdam gets world’s first fleet of autonomous boats.



Smart Urban Mobility

Amsterdam gets world’s first fleet of autonomous boats.



Smart Urban Mobility

Amsterdam gets world’s first fleet of autonomous boats.



Smart Urban Mobility

Amsterdam gets world’s first fleet of autonomous boats.


Human interactions autonomous vehicles

Smart Urban Mobility

How do autonomous vehicles and humans interact? We investigate this in a 3D Virtual Reality environment of MALL.


Code the Streets

Smart Urban Mobility

Code the Street is working on smart solutions for sustainable, inclusive and safe mobility management.


Human interactions autonomous vehicles

Smart Urban Mobility

How do autonomous vehicles and humans interact? We investigate this in a 3D Virtual Reality environment of MALL.


Code the Streets

Smart Urban Mobility

Code the Street is working on smart solutions for sustainable, inclusive and safe mobility management.


Visualization impact Noord/Zuidlijn

Smart Urban Mobility

Since July 2018, the Noord/Zuidlijn has been running beneath the streets of Amsterdam. This also marked the beginning of the four-year study by amongst others the TU Delft and AMS Institute, of which the results are now summarized in a visualization.


Visualization impact Noord/Zuidlijn

Smart Urban Mobility

Since July 2018, the Noord/Zuidlijn has been running beneath the streets of Amsterdam. This also marked the beginning of the four-year study by amongst others the TU Delft and AMS Institute, of which the results are now summarized in a visualization.


Visualization impact Noord/Zuidlijn

Smart Urban Mobility

Since July 2018, the Noord/Zuidlijn has been running beneath the streets of Amsterdam. This also marked the beginning of the four-year study by amongst others the TU Delft and AMS Institute, of which the results are now summarized in a visualization.


Visualization impact Noord/Zuidlijn

Smart Urban Mobility

Since July 2018, the Noord/Zuidlijn has been running beneath the streets of Amsterdam. This also marked the beginning of the four-year study by amongst others the TU Delft and AMS Institute, of which the results are now summarized in a visualization.


Roboat ready for pilots on A'dam canals

Smart Urban Mobility

Roboat is ready for steps towards pilots and commercialization for three use cases: passenger transport, logistics (wast


Roboat ready for pilots on A'dam canals

Smart Urban Mobility

Roboat is ready for steps towards pilots and commercialization for three use cases: passenger transport, logistics (wast



Smart Urban Mobility

Rapid urbanization has increased the pressure on metropolitan areas. A new approach to urban mobility is needed. SmartHubs is an EIT Urban Mobility project working on increasing the implementation & use of shared mobility hubs in metropolitan areas.



Smart Urban Mobility

Rapid urbanization has increased the pressure on metropolitan areas. A new approach to urban mobility is needed. SmartHubs is an EIT Urban Mobility project working on increasing the implementation & use of shared mobility hubs in metropolitan areas.


Roboat | Autonomy in the city

Smart Urban Mobility

En route, Roboat avoids obstacles and makes directional decisions on its own. Let’s dive into the elements for autonomy.


Roboat | Autonomy in the city

Smart Urban Mobility

En route, Roboat avoids obstacles and makes directional decisions on its own. Let’s dive into the elements for autonomy.


Roboat | Autonomy in the city

Smart Urban Mobility

En route, Roboat avoids obstacles and makes directional decisions on its own. Let’s dive into the elements for autonomy.


Roboat | Autonomy in the city

Smart Urban Mobility

En route, Roboat avoids obstacles and makes directional decisions on its own. Let’s dive into the elements for autonomy.


Interview with the designers of Roboat

Smart Urban Mobility

An interview with Roboat Design Engineer: Pietro Leoni.



Smart Urban Mobility

Travelers use personalized and self-organized public transport solutions while services and systems continue to rapidly change. Research is underway to foresee future demand-driven transportation and improve inevitable change for all parties.


Interview with the designers of Roboat

Smart Urban Mobility

An interview with Roboat Design Engineer: Pietro Leoni.



Smart Urban Mobility

Travelers use personalized and self-organized public transport solutions while services and systems continue to rapidly change. Research is underway to foresee future demand-driven transportation and improve inevitable change for all parties.



Smart Urban Mobility

My-TRAC – “My Travel Companion” researches and develops a user-centric services platform designed for users as well as public and private transport operators.



Smart Urban Mobility

My-TRAC – “My Travel Companion” researches and develops a user-centric services platform designed for users as well as public and private transport operators.



Smart Urban Mobility

My-TRAC – “My Travel Companion” researches and develops a user-centric services platform designed for users as well as public and private transport operators.



Smart Urban Mobility

My-TRAC – “My Travel Companion” researches and develops a user-centric services platform designed for users as well as public and private transport operators.


A new phase in the Roboat project

Smart Urban Mobility

A new milestone in the Roboat project.


A new phase in the Roboat project

Smart Urban Mobility

A new milestone in the Roboat project.



Smart Urban Mobility

Amsterdam, Milan and Barcelona to launch a Crowd Management Decision-Support System to improve the safety and comfort of



Smart Urban Mobility

Amsterdam, Milan and Barcelona to launch a Crowd Management Decision-Support System to improve the safety and comfort of


Crowd management startup: City Analytics

Smart Urban Mobility

City Analytics: a start-up for efficient crowd management to improve safety founded by TU Delft researchers and MSc MADE


Crowd management startup: City Analytics

Smart Urban Mobility

City Analytics: a start-up for efficient crowd management to improve safety founded by TU Delft researchers and MSc MADE


Crowd management startup: City Analytics

Smart Urban Mobility

City Analytics: a start-up for efficient crowd management to improve safety founded by TU Delft researchers and MSc MADE


Crowd management startup: City Analytics

Smart Urban Mobility

City Analytics: a start-up for efficient crowd management to improve safety founded by TU Delft researchers and MSc MADE


Roboat introduces full-scale boat

Smart Urban Mobility

What if autonomous boats could relieve Amsterdam's city center of heavy traffic over its vulnerable quays and bridges while making the canals a testbed for innovation?


Recap | UN Studio Webinar 'Future of Mobility'

Smart Urban Mobility

Did you miss UNStudio's ‘Mobility Hubs and Future Cities’ webinar with AMS Institute's Director of Innovation Stephan van Dijk? The registration of the 'Cable Cars, Rail Stations and Hyperloop Hubs' is now available.


Roboat introduces full-scale boat

Smart Urban Mobility

What if autonomous boats could relieve Amsterdam's city center of heavy traffic over its vulnerable quays and bridges while making the canals a testbed for innovation?


Recap | UN Studio Webinar 'Future of Mobility'

Smart Urban Mobility

Did you miss UNStudio's ‘Mobility Hubs and Future Cities’ webinar with AMS Institute's Director of Innovation Stephan van Dijk? The registration of the 'Cable Cars, Rail Stations and Hyperloop Hubs' is now available.


The Spatial & Transport Impacts of Automated Driving (STAD)

Smart Urban Mobility

Options for transportation in Amsterdam are rapidly changing. The sharing economy is booming, public transport solutions are upgraded and expanded as with the Noord Zuidlijn and even traditional biking is innovated with electricity powered solutions.


The Spatial & Transport Impacts of Automated Driving (STAD)

Smart Urban Mobility

Options for transportation in Amsterdam are rapidly changing. The sharing economy is booming, public transport solutions are upgraded and expanded as with the Noord Zuidlijn and even traditional biking is innovated with electricity powered solutions.


The Spatial & Transport Impacts of Automated Driving (STAD)

Smart Urban Mobility

Options for transportation in Amsterdam are rapidly changing. The sharing economy is booming, public transport solutions are upgraded and expanded as with the Noord Zuidlijn and even traditional biking is innovated with electricity powered solutions.


The Spatial & Transport Impacts of Automated Driving (STAD)

Smart Urban Mobility

Options for transportation in Amsterdam are rapidly changing. The sharing economy is booming, public transport solutions are upgraded and expanded as with the Noord Zuidlijn and even traditional biking is innovated with electricity powered solutions.


COVID-19 measures and traffic intensity

Smart Urban Mobility

A visualization of traffic intensity before, during and after intelligent lockdown measures in the Netherlands.


COVID-19 measures and traffic intensity

Smart Urban Mobility

A visualization of traffic intensity before, during and after intelligent lockdown measures in the Netherlands.


Introducing the concept of Waste Streams

Smart Urban Mobility

Researchers at MIT and AMS Institute have developed an alternative strategy for garbage collection in the historic center of Amsterdam: the concept of Waste Streams, which is part of the Roboat project.


Introducing the concept of Waste Streams

Smart Urban Mobility

Researchers at MIT and AMS Institute have developed an alternative strategy for garbage collection in the historic center of Amsterdam: the concept of Waste Streams, which is part of the Roboat project.


Logistics and e-commerce via waterways?

Smart Urban Mobility

What role can waterway networks play in the optimization of city flows? Let’s explore new distribution solutions.


Logistics and e-commerce via waterways?

Smart Urban Mobility

What role can waterway networks play in the optimization of city flows? Let’s explore new distribution solutions.


Logistics and e-commerce via waterways?

Smart Urban Mobility

What role can waterway networks play in the optimization of city flows? Let’s explore new distribution solutions.


Logistics and e-commerce via waterways?

Smart Urban Mobility

What role can waterway networks play in the optimization of city flows? Let’s explore new distribution solutions.


The quest for mobility solutions

Smart Urban Mobility

We don’t need to look that far in the future to see the mobility challenges of Amsterdam. The number of people visiting, living and working in Amsterdam continues to rise and big events such as EURO2020 and SAIL2020 will have a significant impact.


How do new services impact mobility?

Smart Urban Mobility

How do new mobility services, like Uber and ViaVan, impact conventional public transport? The CriticalMaaS project will


The quest for mobility solutions

Smart Urban Mobility

We don’t need to look that far in the future to see the mobility challenges of Amsterdam. The number of people visiting, living and working in Amsterdam continues to rise and big events such as EURO2020 and SAIL2020 will have a significant impact.


How do new services impact mobility?

Smart Urban Mobility

How do new mobility services, like Uber and ViaVan, impact conventional public transport? The CriticalMaaS project will



Smart Urban Mobility

The shared economy can revolutionize urban mobility by blurring the traditional division between private and public transport, shifting from traditional ownership models, towards more flexible on-demand services: Mobility as a Service (MaaS).



Smart Urban Mobility

The shared economy can revolutionize urban mobility by blurring the traditional division between private and public transport, shifting from traditional ownership models, towards more flexible on-demand services: Mobility as a Service (MaaS).



Smart Urban Mobility

The shared economy can revolutionize urban mobility by blurring the traditional division between private and public transport, shifting from traditional ownership models, towards more flexible on-demand services: Mobility as a Service (MaaS).



Smart Urban Mobility

The shared economy can revolutionize urban mobility by blurring the traditional division between private and public transport, shifting from traditional ownership models, towards more flexible on-demand services: Mobility as a Service (MaaS).


Meaningful Human Control

Smart Urban Mobility

What does the self-driving car mean for human responsibility? The ''Meaningful Human Control'' project promotes innovation in self-driving cars in a responsible way.


Meaningful Human Control

Smart Urban Mobility

What does the self-driving car mean for human responsibility? The ''Meaningful Human Control'' project promotes innovation in self-driving cars in a responsible way.



Smart Urban Mobility

Understanding the behavior of pedestrians and cyclists is a major challenge in traffic and transportation theory. Over 5 years, the ALLEGRO project investigates different behavioral levels, including walking, cycling, travel, scheduling and learning.



Smart Urban Mobility

Understanding the behavior of pedestrians and cyclists is a major challenge in traffic and transportation theory. Over 5 years, the ALLEGRO project investigates different behavioral levels, including walking, cycling, travel, scheduling and learning.


Start of UMO

Smart Urban Mobility

The Urban Mobility Observatory (UMO) project has been awarded a grant from NWO, aimed at the construction of large scientific support facilities. UMO will spend years collecting extensive data on mobility in cities in the Netherlands.


Start of UMO

Smart Urban Mobility

The Urban Mobility Observatory (UMO) project has been awarded a grant from NWO, aimed at the construction of large scientific support facilities. UMO will spend years collecting extensive data on mobility in cities in the Netherlands.


Start of UMO

Smart Urban Mobility

The Urban Mobility Observatory (UMO) project has been awarded a grant from NWO, aimed at the construction of large scientific support facilities. UMO will spend years collecting extensive data on mobility in cities in the Netherlands.


Start of UMO

Smart Urban Mobility

The Urban Mobility Observatory (UMO) project has been awarded a grant from NWO, aimed at the construction of large scientific support facilities. UMO will spend years collecting extensive data on mobility in cities in the Netherlands.


Roboat Year 3 results

Smart Urban Mobility

In its third year of research the Roboat research team has improved technical and functional capabilities.


Wrap-up AMS Summer School


During the AMS Summer School, 40 participants - from 22 different nationalities - explored the interdisciplinary approaches towards a sustainable integration of smart urban mobility solutions and the new urban development area Haven-Stad in Amsterdam.


Roboat Year 3 results

Smart Urban Mobility

In its third year of research the Roboat research team has improved technical and functional capabilities.


Wrap-up AMS Summer School


During the AMS Summer School, 40 participants - from 22 different nationalities - explored the interdisciplinary approaches towards a sustainable integration of smart urban mobility solutions and the new urban development area Haven-Stad in Amsterdam.


Virtual Reality: Bridging the gap

Smart Urban Mobility

In a workshop about Virtual Reality (VR) researchers from MIT showed how this strong tool can provide new ways to create insights for research projects. MSc MADE students were shown how they can use VR to develop use cases, with Roboat as topic at hand.


Virtual Reality: Bridging the gap

Smart Urban Mobility

In a workshop about Virtual Reality (VR) researchers from MIT showed how this strong tool can provide new ways to create insights for research projects. MSc MADE students were shown how they can use VR to develop use cases, with Roboat as topic at hand.


Virtual Reality: Bridging the gap

Smart Urban Mobility

In a workshop about Virtual Reality (VR) researchers from MIT showed how this strong tool can provide new ways to create insights for research projects. MSc MADE students were shown how they can use VR to develop use cases, with Roboat as topic at hand.


Virtual Reality: Bridging the gap

Smart Urban Mobility

In a workshop about Virtual Reality (VR) researchers from MIT showed how this strong tool can provide new ways to create insights for research projects. MSc MADE students were shown how they can use VR to develop use cases, with Roboat as topic at hand.


roundAround: an autonomous 'bridge'

Smart Urban Mobility

Keeping the center of Amsterdam connected to other areas that are rapidly (re)developing can be a challenge. Could a fleet of autonomous boats bridge the waterway between Marineterrein Amsterdam and the Amsterdam City Center?


roundAround: an autonomous 'bridge'

Smart Urban Mobility

Keeping the center of Amsterdam connected to other areas that are rapidly (re)developing can be a challenge. Could a fleet of autonomous boats bridge the waterway between Marineterrein Amsterdam and the Amsterdam City Center?



Smart Urban Mobility

This dedicated website gives you a one stop overview of the project’s technical details, use cases, data visualizations, videos, research publications, news and events.



Smart Urban Mobility

This dedicated website gives you a one stop overview of the project’s technical details, use cases, data visualizations, videos, research publications, news and events.


Roboat ahoy!

Smart Urban Mobility

To wrap up Roboat’s second year of research – the research program on autonomous vessels that helps solving urban challenges of the city of Amsterdam – the first autonomous Roboat prototypes were demonstrated at Marineterrein Amsterdam on October 5th.


Roboat ahoy!

Smart Urban Mobility

To wrap up Roboat’s second year of research – the research program on autonomous vessels that helps solving urban challenges of the city of Amsterdam – the first autonomous Roboat prototypes were demonstrated at Marineterrein Amsterdam on October 5th.


Roboat ahoy!

Smart Urban Mobility

To wrap up Roboat’s second year of research – the research program on autonomous vessels that helps solving urban challenges of the city of Amsterdam – the first autonomous Roboat prototypes were demonstrated at Marineterrein Amsterdam on October 5th.


Roboat ahoy!

Smart Urban Mobility

To wrap up Roboat’s second year of research – the research program on autonomous vessels that helps solving urban challenges of the city of Amsterdam – the first autonomous Roboat prototypes were demonstrated at Marineterrein Amsterdam on October 5th.


Roboat Update

Smart Urban Mobility

The Roboat research project is entering its next phase of development. This five-year project is a collaboration between AMS Institute and MIT and is the world first major research program on autonomous floating vessels in metropolitan areas.


Stations as Nodes book published

Smart Urban Mobility

Stations as Nodes, an exploration of the role of stations in future metropolitan areas from a French and Dutch perspective has been published.


Roboat Update

Smart Urban Mobility

The Roboat research project is entering its next phase of development. This five-year project is a collaboration between AMS Institute and MIT and is the world first major research program on autonomous floating vessels in metropolitan areas.


Stations as Nodes book published

Smart Urban Mobility

Stations as Nodes, an exploration of the role of stations in future metropolitan areas from a French and Dutch perspective has been published.


Stations of the Future

Smart Urban Mobility

In collaboration with Delft University of Technology and University of Paris-Est, AMS Institute is developing a new research project on the future of stations within metropolitan areas.


Stations of the Future

Smart Urban Mobility

In collaboration with Delft University of Technology and University of Paris-Est, AMS Institute is developing a new research project on the future of stations within metropolitan areas.


Stations of the Future

Smart Urban Mobility

In collaboration with Delft University of Technology and University of Paris-Est, AMS Institute is developing a new research project on the future of stations within metropolitan areas.


Stations of the Future

Smart Urban Mobility

In collaboration with Delft University of Technology and University of Paris-Est, AMS Institute is developing a new research project on the future of stations within metropolitan areas.


AMS Mid-City scale models on display

Smart Urban Mobility

Group models of the graduate students of Complex Projects (TU Delft) representing scaled down areas of Amsterdam are currently being displayed in our office.


AMS Mid-City scale models on display

Smart Urban Mobility

Group models of the graduate students of Complex Projects (TU Delft) representing scaled down areas of Amsterdam are currently being displayed in our office.


Stations of the Future - first steps

Smart Urban Mobility

The "Stations of the future" project is being framed within the context of two rapidly growing developing metropolitan areas in The Netherlands and in France: the Randstad and Métropole du Grand Paris.


Stations of the Future - first steps

Smart Urban Mobility

The "Stations of the future" project is being framed within the context of two rapidly growing developing metropolitan areas in The Netherlands and in France: the Randstad and Métropole du Grand Paris.



Smart Urban Mobility

The Noord Zuid metro line as a large infrastructure project has the potential to add value to the city and change the way it works. What is its impact on accessibility, development in the area, economy and public space for the city and urban area?



Smart Urban Mobility

The Noord Zuid metro line as a large infrastructure project has the potential to add value to the city and change the way it works. What is its impact on accessibility, development in the area, economy and public space for the city and urban area?



Smart Urban Mobility

The Noord Zuid metro line as a large infrastructure project has the potential to add value to the city and change the way it works. What is its impact on accessibility, development in the area, economy and public space for the city and urban area?



Smart Urban Mobility

The Noord Zuid metro line as a large infrastructure project has the potential to add value to the city and change the way it works. What is its impact on accessibility, development in the area, economy and public space for the city and urban area?


New EU program Urban Mobility

Smart Urban Mobility

The municipality of Amsterdam and AMS Institute are part of the winning consortium Mobilus (Mobility for Liveable Urban Spaces) that will be developing a European innovation program on the topic of urban mobility.


Wrap up Stations of the Future

Smart Urban Mobility

In March 2018, AMS Institute co-organized a successful workshop on Stations of the Future, together with the Embassy of the Netherlands in Paris, Atelier Néerlandais, TU Delft (DIMI) and La Fabrique de la Cité.


New EU program Urban Mobility

Smart Urban Mobility

The municipality of Amsterdam and AMS Institute are part of the winning consortium Mobilus (Mobility for Liveable Urban Spaces) that will be developing a European innovation program on the topic of urban mobility.


Wrap up Stations of the Future

Smart Urban Mobility

In March 2018, AMS Institute co-organized a successful workshop on Stations of the Future, together with the Embassy of the Netherlands in Paris, Atelier Néerlandais, TU Delft (DIMI) and La Fabrique de la Cité.